* Migration Time was changed into Migration Speed * Taking a Tributary now makes you guarantee their independence for 10 years without cost Instead the modifier now affects planet migration attraction by +25% * Natural Beauty planet modifier effect on habitability removed. * Fleet merging has been improved and should prioritize certain fleets better * Added Symbol of Unity building and associated technology that is available to Spiritualist empires * Added Visitor Center building and associated technology that is available to Xenophile empires Aggressive behavior is now called Swarm behavior and Defensive behavior is now called Bombardment behavior * Ship Combat Computers behavior has been changed. For the vote to be successful, ( 50% of members + 1 ) need to vote yes (so 3 members in an alliance of 4, for example) * Alliances and Federations can now vote to kick a member. * Grand Admiral achievement now requires a combined fleet power of 100.000 instead of having dealt 100.000 damage in a ship combat * Ship Designs with excess power gain a small bonus to damage, speed and evasion * Pops receive a -10% happiness penalty while the empire is in an offensive war

This means you can colonize multiple planets in the same system without it affecting the soft cap. * Core Planets is now Core Systems instead. Map Modes are easily moddable and more can be added through mods, but it will affect the checksum * Added Diplomatic, Opinion, and AI Attitude Map Modes. * All Ship Weapons have had their range doubled * Happiness is now a linear modifier, with levels above 50% giving bonuses and levels below 50% giving penalties Empires will Close Borders to Rivals by default and Fallen Empires will never Open Borders * Border are now Open to everyone by default, but can be Closed through a Diplomatic Action. * Colonzing Planets and building Frontier Outposts now costs Influence based on the distance to your closest owned system

This policy determines what type of wargoals you can use * You can now set a War Philosophy policy. * Sending a favorable trade deal (such as a gift) will now increase the opinion of the other empire by up to +100 * You can now kick alliance and federation members with a majority vote action. * Federation fleets no longer cost maintenance, but cannot exceed the Federation Navy Capacity in size. * Federation members now give 20% of their Navy Capacity to the Federation, which makes up the Federation Navy Capacity. * Federations now vote on wars and new members. Trust builds over time from having active diplomatic treaties (such as a Non-Aggression Pact or Alliance) and increases opinion by up to +100. * Removed embassies and replaced it with Trust. * Non-Aggression Pact, Migration Treaty, Support Independence and Guarantee Independence are now diplomatic actions instead of trade deals. * Added Defensive Pact diplomatic action that allows you to form a defensive alliance with another empire. # Special thanks to Magne "Meneth" Skjжran for helping out with the Map Modes